About Business Development Center Kragujevac
Business Development Center Kragujevac is a non-profit organization that operates in the field of local socio-economic development. It has been founded in 2010, when the team hired, tree years before, by the Dutch organization SPARK, for the purpose of implementation of the regional four-year “South East European Business Start-Up Network Project”, decided to register local non-profit organization, upon completion of above mentioned project.
Today, Business Development Center Kragujevac has become a well recognized organization with the effective team of professionals, with proven experience and expertise in the preparation and implementation of local socio-economic development projects, in particular, following areas: employment and entrepreneurship of youth and other vulnerable groups, human capital development in Serbia, competitiveness, human resources and the economy in the region. The team of four competent and dedicated experts represents the core of the organization. Furthermore BD Center has the well established network of associates, consultants/trainers, local and regional experts in various areas of expertise, available on request.
Projects, activities and services of the Business development center Kragujevac are mainly focused on:
- Non-formal education and training in the area of employment and entrepreneurship skills , as well as improvement of employability of youth and other vulnerable groups (women, disabled people, Roma, migrants, youth and women from rural areas,…);
- Provision of consultancy services for the preparation and implementation of project proposals, monitoring and evaluation, start-up and business development, human resources development, development of small and medium-sized enterprises and
- Capacity building, networking and facilitating dialog between civil, public and business sectors through: trainings, consultancy, organization of public events, peer review workshops, support in the preparation and implementation of joint projects.
In addition, we contribute to policy making processes at local and national level, in particular in the area of employment and socio-economic development, through advocacy projects, preparation of analysis, policy papers and reports, facilitation of dialog and consultations with relevant stakeholders at local level, and active participation in the working groups and councils in policy making and decision-making processes at local and national level.
Different donors and institutions support our projects and initiatives: European Union – Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, European Union office in Kosovo, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade, Ministry of Youth and Sports of Republic of Serbia, OSCE Mission to Serbia, Suisse organization Solidar Suisse SLA – office in Belgrade, Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Team of Serbian Government, SDC Suisse Agency for Cooperation and Development, National Office for Cooperation with Civic Sector of Serbian Government.
Some of our clients are: OSCE Mission to Serbia, USAID / DAI program, Group 484, Fiat Automobiles Serbia, GDi GISData Group Belgrade, company Sunce Marinkovic, Foundation SPARK Netherlands with its offices in Pristina and Belgrade, Business Service Centers in Strpce and Novo Brdo.
We have established cooperation with all relevant local and regional stakeholders in implementation of our projects. Some of them are: local authorities, secondary schools, high schools, National Employment Service, business sector, Regional development agencies, Chambers of commerce, Local employment councils, Economy councils, Youth offices, civil society organizations.
With company Sunce Marinkovic, we are proudly sharing European Award for Corporate Social Responsibility, awarded in 2013, for the joint implementation of the project ”My skills, my chance”, aimed at improving employability of disabled youth.
We are member of ICT Cluster of Central Serbia, as of 2014.
The most important projects that our team was or still is engaged can be found here.
Statute of the Business Development Center Kragujevac can be found here.
Capability Statement of Business Development Center Kragujevac can be found here.
Portfolio of the Business Development Center Kragujevac can be found here.